Below the arrow series trains are the Intercity (IC, EC) trains, driven by locomotives, with speeds of 100-120 kilometers per hour. Like the arrow trains, IC trains also require mandatory seat reservations. Reservations must be made before boarding, otherwise passengers will not be allowed to board. Some IC trains have open seating with a corridor in the middle, while others have classic six-seat compartments. EC trains are the international version of IC trains.

Intercity Notte:
ICN is the best choice for long-distance travel. For example, from Milan or Rome to Sicily, or from Venice or Milan to Naples. Compared to flights, sleeper night trains are much more economical and convenient, saving a lot on hotel expenses as well. Italian night trains offer Couchette and Sleeper options. Some night trains also have seat tickets available, but they are not recommended. Both soft and hard sleeping cars are located in lockable compartments, ensuring safety.

Regional Trains:
These trains only indicate the departure and destination, allowing passengers to take any train with the same origin and destination on the same day, but only those starting with R or RV. If purchasing paper tickets, remember to validate them at the ticket machine before departure, otherwise, it will be considered as traveling without a valid ticket and may result in a fine.

Regionale Veloce:
These are regional trains with fewer stops than REG trains, making them faster, with no reserved seats, and the same price as REG trains.

These are slow trains connecting cities within and outside the region, with many stops, no reserved seats, the slowest, and the cheapest option.